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March 29, 2010



Part of the problem with being a 'green' consumer is the lack of standards for determining what makes a product green and sustainable product -- much less whether you're buying from a 'green' company. With such a variety of ecolabels, green advertising, and little reliable data to back up claims, consumers often have to do more work than they want to verify something is 'greener' than a competing product. Green consumerism isn't dead, it just hasn't had enough incentive to blossom.

medieval clothing

I think you have to publish an updated version. Many things have changed in the past 20 years and our environmental problems have worsened.. :(

Tom Konrad

as green consumer myself, I find the largest barrier is the one Hugh points out in the first comment... it's very difficult to decide which choice is actually "green." Except for avoiding purchases altogether (the greenest option (reduce and reuse rather than recycle), any purchase involves weighing complex tradeoffs.

For instance, I used to think I was being greener buy buying local grass-fed beef, but now I understand that cows fed grass burp more methane than cows fed corn.

Do I give up and become vegetarian? If so, how far should I drive in order to buy local organic produce, or should I cut my own carbon emissions by bicycling to the local conventional supermarket?

In short, I think there are so few green consumers because even those of us motivated to be green consumers have difficulty making the necessary choices... the time and thought required are far more valuable than the small price premium.

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