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April 28, 2008


emilio ciampini

"Greening the Planet"

As a living, conscious, reasonably semi-green person I applaud your communication initiatives through your blog. The Proxy Season Review makes for good reading.

Companies that ignore for too long their customers and or investors on all issues do so at their own risk.

The key to a robust, successful and enduring positive change in greening our planet is a white snowball effect in thinking.

Investing in companies who strive to be really good neighbours will go a long way as well.

Richard Liroff

The Investor Environmental Health Network just released its own proxy season overview focused on toxic chemical/product safety corporate engagements. The press release containing the overview is on our website, www.iehn.org, in the news section. Also there, in the shareholder resolutions section, is a searchable database that can be searched by topic and company and that contains full texts of resolutions. We've also published numerous reports and case studies making "the business case" for safer chemicals. BPA polycarbonate bottles are this year's poster child for this issue. Lead painted Thomas the Tank Engine was last year's.


I think it is great that environmental and social sustainability movements are really becoming more important in stockholder meetings today. Sometimes you wonder if the whole "going green" of companies is just a marketing campaign to get consumers interested in buying more products.

This article is confirming the belief that companies are really starting to care, when proposals with environmental and social issues are now often getting 20 to 50% of shareholder votes. For the reason that, to really change the environmental impact we have on this world, companies are going to have to modify how they practice business, not just consumers.

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