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January 06, 2008



Great blog!

If the economics don't work, recycling efforts won't either.
Http://LivePaths.com blogs about innovative entrepreneurs that make money selling recycled orreused items, provide green services or help us reduce our dependency on non renewable resources. These includes some very cool Green online ventures and investments opportunities.

Soul Economy

While I have not had the pleasure of meeting Gary Hirshberg, I have read a lot about him and am too an adimirer. His huge success reinforces that you can achieve a values led business and even change the actions of market leaders to adopt sustainable practices. It is great to see that he has put in place strategies to ensure that the investment by Danone does not detract from his dual mission - but provides the opportunity for him to achieve even more!


So why isn't Stonyfield Yogurt sold in cups that are #1 or #2 plastic?

Joel Makower

Fred: Here's everything you ever wanted to know about Stonyfield's packaging, right from its website

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