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November 02, 2007


Abby Clubb

Yes, airports are putting in teleconference centers. Here are two examples:



No one is arguing that conferencing will completely eliminate travel, but more and more companies are reducing their travel and using conferencing instead. Video conferencing is now available with a web cam on your desktop and conference calls are available on-demand, so it's much easier these days. For more information on how to "green" your business travel, you can visit: www.greenconferencing.com

Global Resorts Network

Very interesting Vodafone factoid. Thanks. Just goes to show you that we can all do a little better just by evaluating the obvious.

Robert Palmisano

Does the term “adventure travel” mean the traveler must become an Indiana Jones and endure steaming jungles, baking deserts or stormy seas? Does it mean risking life and limb in war zones or regions that have been prone to terrorist attack? Does it mean crawling on your belly in the claustrophobic depths of a cave, or dangling from a rope at a cliff-face hundreds of feet above a torrential river?


I really enjoyed reading this post, thank you. Some very interesting points to think about. It would be great, if you're interested, to share this at www.iloho.com. It's an online tool for travelers where you can post the best travel news and articles on the web and then vote for your favorites.


Did you know? - Oman is one of the most stable, safe and peaceful countries in the Arabian Gulf – as rated by the 2007 Global Peace Index. Oman is also the 22nd most peaceful country in the world.
Eco travel friendly country.
I recommend to visit the sultanate.

Noclegi Ustka

Baltic Sea seaside is very interesting and peaceful place , special when few new countries entered to the United Europe.

South African Adventure Travel

With regards to the adventure travel question, I don't think this necessarily means steaming jungles and Indiana Jones type travels. Here in South Africa, this kind of travel experience can have to do with wonderfully scenic hikes, diving among sharks, jet ski adventures or white river rafting, to name but a few. The possibilities are absolutely endless and can be great fun. There are all kinds of levels - from luxury-based adventures to the real Indiana Jones type. It all depends on the needs of the person.

Travel Guide

Buisiness travels contribute huge in terms of revenue for any nation. A decline in the number of buisiness travel due to the increasing opportunities in telecommucation could render badly on countries which depending on travel and tourism. But it could just be marginal. The contribution by buisiness travellers as opposed to regular tourists will be just nominal.


I live in Thailand and I only can say that Thais do very much for tourism and environment. By the way I really enjoyed reading your interesting plog - please keep on doing so. Regards, Chris


Good info, i will be posting about it in my site! Thanks!

Traveling George

Interesting article. It's funny how some people dont realize there are more travel destinations than just western europe.

Traveling George http://studenttravelplace.wordpress.com

Kate Rees

Hey this is really interesting I will be following regulary!

Kate x


Interesting point of view.


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