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September 23, 2007



Another green product that will be presented to consumers in the future will be the investment opportunity of carbon funds. But this will be a much more financial product (ie., financial reward as opposed to a better conscience) because the investment will be based on the investment into the creation of carbon credits and the capture of the discount upon sale to the compliance user in various emission cap-and-trade schemes.

Right now its simply an early market exclusivity thing where only the bigger players (Banks, Hedge Funds) are allowed to operate. I suspect that these will become mainstream in 5 years.

Oh, and the implied premise above suggesting that many banks initiated many environmental executive orders because of client marketing seems to me to be far from the real interest. Climate change finance is a big money issue; it would not have taken off, in my opinion, unless there was a real profit to be made by the financial types. This may seem cynical, but it truth it shows how the power of the market place is needed to get some things done.

Daniel Butler , a carbon asset manager in Prague, Czech Republic

Kevin Sullivan

Hi Joel;
Who ever thought this actually existed. Green Products and Financial Institutions. Thanks for the excellent story and your leading edge information.(UN--ICF)
I'd love to see more of this in the future. I think you have scratched the surface of an explosive new era in financing...Green Products.Please keep it up.
Well Done;
Kevin Sullivan...Ottawa

Lee Kendrick

Very interesting & great content! Most people don't have a really good grasp of this subject.

Amazing... I'd never thought of "green" financial products. Nice article.

I have a blog at http://leekendrick.com/blog that you might want to check out, too. I try to add articles about credit, mortgage, foreclosure, real estate, business loan, financing, marketing & much more... on a regular basis.

I also publish a newsletter at that might give you some added tips. You can register for FREE at http://leekendrick.com/credit-expert.

PS - I also highly recommend Trent Lee's corporate credit builder programs. Trent is a business credit expert. You can see his PowerPoint presentation at http://yourcreditpros.com/movie.

If you're interested, you can also check out his business credit programs at http://yourcreditpros.com.

He helped me avoid the typical 2-5 year credit building process, using "shelf corporation" & other advanced business credit techniques... that are all 100% legit.

I went from only having a $25,000 total credit limit with AMEX & Capital One... to more than $400,000 of business credit in less than 60 days!!!

I've also posted an article about how to build business credit ratings on my blog... for the do-it-yourself crowd.

Have a great weekend & keep writing!

Lee Kendrick


Great post. I had no idea there was such a thing green finacial orgainizations. Very cool!

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