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May 18, 2007


Paul Hudnut

Great point Joel. For those that are interested in more on this topic, I'd suggest Amory Lovins article "More Profit Less Carbon" in Scientific American. The illustration on p 76 of energy losses is "worth a thousand words" and quite a few megawatts.
Here is the link: http://www.sciam.com/media/pdf/Lovinsforweb.pdf


A long time builder, it's been fascinating to me, as I get deeper into green building and home performance, how much of the wasted energy for which buildings are responsible is due to sloppy field work. The standards for properly sizing and sealing HVAC equipment and ducting is fairly well established, but not followed. As a result, the average home wastes 30% of the conditioned air it's system tries to deliver. Proper insulation installation methods have been proven, but you'll be hard pressed to find an installer who follows those guidelines, or can even describe them. As a result, R-30 can be reduced to R-9, or less.

God bless the solar panel folks and all they do, but until we learn to properly seal and insulate our buildings, the energy they consume will be wasted, no matter the source.

Martin Edic

I occasionally wonder why we cdon't spend some of our technology cred on creating energy efficient clothing rather than cooling and heating huge amounts of interior space. I think it would be great to wear clothing that kept us at a steady temperature of our own choosing. Then we could moderate building heating and cooling to optimal levels for efficiency. Seems like the technology to do this should out there...

Eric Hawkins

Being located in the UK, but haveing spent the past 4 years back and forth to many USA states to gain an understanding why you prefer to export billions of dollars a year for imported gas, then wonder why the USA is in so much debt to the rest of the world. The UK is now heading that way also after disposing of its nth sea gas and oil for a quick fix and feel good factor to the UK people. With our gasolene heading towards $2.00 per Litre that 5 litres to a gall, you all should start to think, how much will it go to, becouse sooner or later it will hit $10.00 gall.

Fly into Vegas and you will not see a single solar water heating collector on any roof top, Why? becouse the builder is tied to the utility in some way making sure that home owner uses imported gas to heat its hot water 24hrs a day 12 months of the year. Here in the UK my home uses 1hr of gas a day in winter time, my solar collectors provide me free hot water 100% of the time at least 4 months of the year, my attic air to water heat pump drives my central heating. With cavity wall insulation, a layer of thermal blocks on the inside, outer brick as the finish, my heat losses are minium, hence my hourly running cost to heat my 3 bed home is 1.3kwh using a mix of solar thermal and a heat pump. All my appliances are double A rated and my light bulbs are the latest in CFL using 7 watts. My PV and micro turbine gurantees all my pumps work in a power cut, also drives my rain water harvesting pumps. All in all my home is powered, heated and watered for $1,200 a year. No air con needed even at 100 F

Patrik M

Another important aspect is the investment opportunities in the energy efficiency sector. Actually, there are logical advantages of subsidizing and investing in energy efficiency rather than renewable energy. I develop that discussion on my blog as well. Actually, I believe that a lot of traditional power utilities & construction companies may benefit from a second wave of cleantech interest, with energy efficiency in focus. Companies providing power equipment with higher efficiency, companies providing insulation, "smart" windows, etcetera.

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