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March 06, 2007


robert veach

article said:
solar photovoltaics (including modules, system components, and installation) will grow from a $15.6 billion industry in 2006 to $69.3 billion by 2016;

I think these numbers are conservative, they are not including the Powur of CitiizenRe. When the CitizenRe press release comes , please adjust these! If you own a home or rent and are concerned about the environment,Look at this:


Water debate on PSD blog

With World Water Day coming on March 22, PSD blog will run this week an online dialogue on water issues between the World Bank’s Tracy Hart and Corinne Figueredo from the IFC.

The experts will cover some of the latest thinking on water treatment, financing of high-risk, micro-scale technologies, and the role of private and public sector in water supply.

Jeremy Stieglitz

I enjoyed the report - especially the relatively wide representation given to all aspects of cleantech. But I felt that the trends section could have used a little more global perspective. The trends highlighted are all U.S. specific, whereas, very big things to watch are happening in carbon trading in Europe, manufacturing clean tech in China, India, and rapid cleantech growth across all regions (especially Asia)...

Alexander Prisant

The vital difference in cleantech development: At Prism Ltd, we see in the US, companies seeking profit finally jumping ahead of a lagging Federal Government. While in Europe, we see corporations large and small actively joining WITH governments to make that continent the visionary in this field.
A S Prisant, COO, Prism Ltd., San Francisco & Barcelona

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