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February 20, 2007



Exactly...in the latest print edition of BusinessWeek, even Jack Welch--Mr. Profits-Are-Paramount or King of Cost Cutting--worked his way into telling businesses to adapt their models to survive in a climate change world. Pretty much everyone is coming around, except as you say Exxon and maybe Bush (but Bush does have a green home). Oh yeah, and TXU too.


Melissa Brandao

Thank you Joel for the comprehensive list of corporate America getting a clue--it sure seems like 2007 may be a banner year for awareness. Hope it's more than rhetoric and there is indeed some action in there...


It's true, the Bush Administration and Exxon are still doing their best to ambush any effective action against global warming, but their motivation is profit driven. Let's not forget the honorable Republican Senator from Oklahoma, James M. Inhofe, who seems committed for altruistic reasons. Credit given where credit's due.

robert veach

This is exactly what we need, corporate america finally believing in global warming from an econmomic point of view! What ever it takes is fine with me to start the ball rolling towards reducing greenhouse emmisions. I feel compelled to mention this:

Jim Leemann

Here is the Lehman Bros. Report - The Business of Climate Change online:


David Biddle

This is a great summary of the business cases that are being made right now and the break down of the economic argument for climate solutions. Thanks Joel, you continue to amaze with your talent for being tuned in.

For an interesting twist, NPR's Talk of the Nation did a show that sort of pitted science against economics, which I found odd until I realized that one of the guests was Jonah Goldberg whose twisted thinking about practically anything is legendary and often highly misinformed. Anyway, check out Talk of the Nation, Feb. 22.


Scot Quaranda

Thank you so much for this excellent summary. It has almost been difficult to stay on top of all of the major initiatives in the last six months without your help. I am wondering if anyone is paying close attention to the McKinsey report which seems like a wise place to start - conservation and efficiency! Also, I would imagine that most of these initiatives come with the price of compromise. When huge energy producers are lining up, you know they are hoping to shape future legislation in order to ensure the least amount of burden to their bottomline in the future.

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