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February 11, 2007


Mark C Reid (Chemist) UK

Nice article Joel.

Yes its right we simply don't focus entirely on GHGs and climate change by breaking it up with other big picture posts.
Although I'm sure you'll continue to cover the above topic extensively as it should be!

Anyone interested in Joel's article may wish to read into a fortcoming EU directive on chemicals called REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals).

REACH will enter into force on 1 June 2007.
"The aim is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the properties of chemical substances."

I believe this will act as a spur to innovate in new clean chemical technologies and chemical processes.

Some further links:
DELOITTE pages relevant to US chemical exporters
European Commission: Enterprise and Industry communication on competitiveness and REACH
Greenpeace USA's view on REACH

I expect the USA (via the EPA) to watch the success of the legislation closely.
See recent article in "Chemical and Engineering News" on:
The Future Of U.S. Chemical Regulation

An article comparing US legislation (the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1976) with REACH...

Richard Liroff

Additional resources on this topic can also be found at the website of the Investor Environmental Health Network (IEHN). Press the "library" tab for articles and case studies about corporate safer chemicals policies. Press the "online media" tab for audio interviews with green chemist John Warner and Innovest analyst Heather Langsner. Press the "resolutions" tab for a compendium of last year's and this year's shareholder resolutions on corporate safer chemicals policies.

Ed Campaniello

Interested readers may also like to know about the Chemical Strategies Partnership, a non-profit that aims to shift manufacturing companies to procuring chemical services instead of the chemicals themselves. The chemical services provider is incentivised to maximize profits through the efficient use of chemicals in a manufacturing operation, instead of the maximization of revenues through increasing sales volume. It seems to an idea that is taking hold. Their website: http://www.chemicalstrategies.org/

Gary L. Walker

I own a janitorial company the uses only green cleaning processes and sells green chemicals. Every time I go out to switch a client over to green cleaning, the next question is where can I get some of the chemicals. We are launching in April our first of three retail sites to sell our own private label environmentally sound green cleaning product line. We are doing this not as a money making issue, we are doing it for one reason..."because it is the right thing to do"

Gary L. Walker, CEO/Chairman
Magic Touch Cleaning, Inc.
Class of 2007 25 Under 25 Winner

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