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January 14, 2007


Mark C R (Chemist) UK

Joel, brilliant and informative post.

I'll just refer you back to my previous post from previous the "AutoShow post".

Big businesses' climate meeting
See article

Major UK companies such as BT, Tesco and BA are to meet to collaborate on tackling climate change.
The taskforce will discuss ways in which they can help the environment.

BBC business editor Robert Peston says some of Britain's biggest companies are now admitting climate changes is real, dangerous and partly their fault.

The new taskforce, set up under the umbrella of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), is expected to look at carbon taxes and offsetting.

It appears the CBI is organising this at a national level. But it appears that this organisation may be TOO LARGE to be effective to the level of desire of some companies. Therefore, some companies INADDITION are forming their own "cluster groups" of companies - with vested interests in their markets or that face a similar problem and work together.

I expect to see MAIN GROUPS organised at EU level (Federal level in the USA), like the one you mention, then SATELLITE GROUPS arranged at NATIONAL (STATE, US) level, then WORKING GROUPS at REGIONAL and LOCAL levels...

It looks like people are getting organised like never before, particularly noticable in business!

Charles Morand put up an excellent post on Alt-EnergyStocks.com Entitled "Investing in Climate Change" January 11, 2007

I recommend to anybody to look at these two links he put up:
"The Top 50 Low-carbon Pioneers"

That one is really good! And informatative regarding major potential business leaders who have had made success AS A RESULT OF ATTEMPTING TO GET THEIR BUSINESS TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE, including profit boosts

AND the article its from on CNBC European Business

January/February 2007 edition of CNBC European Business

Mark C R (Chemist) UK

Oh sorry Joel, I forgot to say on the "the London-based Guardian reported today that "George Bush is preparing to make a historic shift in his position on global warming when he makes his State of the Union speech later this month," perhaps agreeing to a U.S. cap on greenhouse gas emissions for the first time, the paper suggests."

I saw EXACTLY the same story published by a broadsheet newspaper - probably "The Guardian" or "The Independent" here in the UK, PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER 2006 although that was rumour apparently linked to congressional contacts in the US.

The Exxon story is new however.

The September story - didn't get any other coverage other than in that one source. My view is unless these stories are taken up by other media outlets - IT COULD BE MERE "WISHFUL THINKING" as you say...

Apologies - I can't find the link!

But what it does highlight, is that the companies and politicans might be acknowledging some pressure on the subject.

Mike Kilroy

Another great post... maybe there's hope yet.

And I just wanted to add a note about GM's latest "green" car prototype. You can't count me as a believer until it's for sale in the car dealerships. GM's been doing this for years. They stave off criticism and regulation by introducing these green's prototypes that NEVER see the light of day. I don't expect this one to either. And that's a big reason why Toyota will pass them this year as the world's No. 1 carmaker.

malaclypse the tertiary

The alarmism evinced by proponents of anthropogenic climate change is just plain deadly to honest scientific inquiry. The presumption that policy should be informed by this alarmism is risible and irresponsible. I could point you to any number of credible disputations of the model of climate change advanced by your ilk, but perhaps the most germane to your post is this:

The Stern Review: A Dual Critique

Mark C R (Chemist) UK


As a follow up on this - you may wish to compare the 3C plan and others to this one that was reported today on the BBC:

Energy roadmap backs renewables
Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study has said...

...The study, by the German Aerospace Center, was commissioned by Greenpeace and Europe's Renewable Energy Council."

The actual report is available via the BBC: HERE - IN PDF FORMAT

Hope you're well Joel?

Best wishes,


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