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September 03, 2006


Felix Kramer

Here's one that belongs on the list: Cradle-to-Cradle ratings, inspired by and sponsored by architect/designer William McDonough and chemisty Michael Braungart, who came up with the concept of an alternative to cradle-to-grave product design. They have very specific benchmarking processes and criteria and are starting to certify products: see the list at http://www.mbdc.com/certified_levels.htm

Stacy Popke

Here's another business to add: New Enough Motorcycle Leathers (www.newenough.com), owned by Paul Thompson. I wrote an article mentioning a while back about how he gave his employees a monthly incentive for buying 'green' cars. (It's #10 on http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/39158/how_businesses_can_get_involved_in.html?page=3).

Mr. Thompson was maintaining a blog that had more details about his employee incentive offer. Maybe he still does, but I wasn't able to find it again in a google search. For a small business owner, I give this guy props for doing what greed corporate owners won't do.


I agree Stacy. It always seems like the smaller businesses tend to put their money where their beliefs are...

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