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September 25, 2006


PK - Jetson Green

This is pretty cool. Thank you for the information. I know you've already written your post, but I noticed another company on Hugg the other day at the domain www.41pounds.org. I don't know if you'll respound to this, and I understand that you won't be able to speak to their company, but I'm curious if there is a difference (other than pricing) in what the companies are trying to accomplish and how they execute. Thanks...

Ed Reid

As you point out, the three opportunities in one seems to be the difference in creating value for participants. Anyone can easily register with the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service to be removed from prospect mailing list. To have a group provide this service while bettering the world physically and the consumer consciously is a wonderful thing.

Frances makower

Hi, Joel: I am very impressed by you and Shah's vision in saving so much of natural resources. I think he has found the perfect solution to removing the pesky spam that we are all so tired of receiving. Good luck!

Bill Thomson

Jetson Green (first post); my neighbors kid was selling subscriptions to 41Pounds.org for a fundraiser and the service is similar. The cost was $41.00 (with $20 going to the school) and they submitted my name to around 40 bulk mailers (good for 5 years). I am guessing the only real difference is with 41Pounds.org I paid up front and they also dealt with all the catalogs I have been getting (Dell, Pottery Barn, etc...). It works great my only complaint was I had to wait 2-3 months before my mailbox was 'clensed'. Either service will work just as well I am sure.



In looking at the offerings, the difference between greendimes.com and 41pounds.org is that greendimes will contact direct mailers on a continuous basis and plant a tree for you every month in Senegal, Haiti or India (places that need them badly). With 41pounds.org, you pay 1 time and they will contact direct mailers once - nothing about tree planting. If you start getting junk mail again with 5 years, you will have to contact them again.


I want to do this and encourage my friends to do this, but they are concerned it is just a hoax. Any additional information I can share to put their concerns at ease? They are especially concerned about the trees actually being planted.


According to the 41pounds.org site, they will remove even 'occupant' and 'resident' mailings; something greendimes says they can't do. Also, 41pounds.org commits to donating 50% of profits to environmental organizations, where I can't find any information about percent of profits donated by greendimes. A little more transparency would be nice so that I can be sure my money isn't just going into the pockets of some greedy millionaire who drives 4wd's and oil-heats his mansion.

Jill Finlayson

Hi Ken,
GreenDimes actually does reduce "resident" mail including contacting the companies that send Penny Saver and Advo - who send that big wad of newspaper-like coupons. We do mention that smaller local businesses may not use national mailing lists, but we do our absolute best to reduce the junk mail members receive, and we go back periodically to keep them off the lists. Additionally, GreenDimes plants a tree for each member every month. We don't have a formula for donating a percentage of profits. We're doing the most good we can with the membership revenue we generate, starting with our tree planting partnership with Trees for the Future. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you might have.
Thanks for your interest in reducing junk mail and keeping the planet green.


I'm going to give this a try, and I've contacted about a dozen friends. The price tag is within my budget, and yes, it would be fantastic to not have to deal with the 3-8 pieces of junk mail every single day.

If I'm not satisfied in 3 months and I'm not seeing a noticeable drop in my junk mail, I'll note it here.


I've used 41pounds.org and I think the service is great – everything from subscribing online to the actual service has been very professional and up front. It's nice to know where your money is actually going too. It does take time for the service to take hold, but once it does, there is a noticeable change.


I have been complaining, and recycling, and shredding for YEARS! And if greendimes can stop my deluge of unsolicited mail, I am going to do all I can to get the word out! I am so disgusted with our society's unstoppable consumption of resources that I hardly ever buy anything new anymore - how much stuff can a human being need? If greendimes can do what it claims, and make a profit at it, I am all for it! And I have bought memberships for relatives, on faith that this will actually work - Better than buying them some unusable and unwanted present...

Sammy Johnson

GreenDimes.com – What are you doing? I have been a proud member of www.41pounds.org for months now, and YES, I am really happy with their services. Why are you picking on them so much?
Laurie David of www.StopGlobalWarming.org is FULLY supporting this company. Laurie David wants to stop unwanted postal junk mail. She wouldn't have gotten involved unless she knew what she was doing...right! As a matter of fact, www.41pounds.org is on www.stopglobalwarming.org home page.
I see you have Matt Damon on your Board of Directors because he wants to stop unwanted postal junk mail. Good job! Also, I see that Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres give a “dime”. I hope they all conducted “due diligence” and researched your company before getting involved with it. By the way, your CEO, Pankaj Shah, used to be with 4Info... correct? I now see that 4Info is sponsoring www.StopGlobalwarming.org as a partner, your www.41pounds.org competitor. I guess it really is a small world.

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