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August 06, 2006


Daniel Farquhar

So true that there is bastardisation of the word and also real examples of great eco-tourism.

My example is http://www.gibbonexp.org/

It rings true just like you example. I'll let them do the explaining though.

Lynda K.

I just discovered your fantastic blog via Typepad and if you have a few minutes I'd love to have you submit it to our newish directory of smart/stylish/savvy blogs at www.delightfulblogs.com. I think the gals who use the directory would enjoy discovering it as much as I did.


Alizee Maben

One of my friend told me about this blog and i found it really interesting

Cara Fletcher

It's great that there are such organizations that can teach young people in organic gardening and other ways to preserve their nature.This is something each of us has to do.

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