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June 03, 2005



Great job. I linked back to this post on my site, dirtygreek.org

Neil Drobny

do you know about www.terrapass.com ?

John Hritz

I have a TerraPass for my car. I wasn't aware of these other carbon offset web services.


Another one to add to the list: www.offsetters.com.

A crucial differentiator between these services is the quality of the offsets they invest in. Offsetters does a good job of qualifying and certifying that their offsets are invested in high-impact, measurable projects. Not sure about the others.


Is anyone offering carbon offseting at the gasoline pump? You could go to the pump and see Regular, Premium, Carbon Offset.

Based on the prices at terrapass.com, it would only be $.10 per gallon of gasoline. At $3.00 a gallon, what is an extra $.10? Easier to do that, than signing up at a website for a year. The pump opperators would likely go for it if they could get $.01 of the $.10.

Is there anyone out there that does this already?


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